Friday, April 11, 2008

April 22 Talk @ North Prospect Union UCC in Medford, MA (10:30 am)

Come and join us at the ElderSpirit Group of the North Prospect Union UCC in Medford, MA, on April 22 at 10:30 for coffee, conversation, and lunch!
At 11 AM I will talk about my book "Introducing the Women's Hebrew Bible"!
Copies of the books will be available for sale.
The meeting and talk will take place at:
144 North Street
Medford, MA 02155
For more information on North Prospect Union UCC, visit
See you then and there!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

BigS--Learn more about the first inclusive Bible translation in German

Fresh off the online press are several articles on the first inclusive Bible translation in German. Visit the site at:

My contributions on "The Bibel in gerechter Sprache (BigS): The Secular Press, Kirchenherren, and Theology Proessors Reacts To a New German Inclusive Bible Translation" is linked here:

If you read German and want to learn more about this fascinating translation that has brought the Bible back into the public discourse in German-speaking countries, go to Of course you can always buy your own copy of the translation at, for instance, here:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Visit at Ebenezer/herchurch Lutheran in San Francisco

Come to Ebenezer/herchurch Lutheran in San Francisco and hear me introduce my book to this progressive feminist congregation on April 6 at 10:30 am! Yet another opportunity to get the book signed and stamped...

Ebenezer Lutheran Church
678 Portola Drive
San Francisco, CA 94127
Phone: 415-681-5400

I am looking forward to meeting you there and then!