Saturday, October 3, 2009

Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature
New Orleans
November 23, 2009

Bible and Cultural Studies
Joint Session With: Bible and Cultural Studies, Children in the Biblical World
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Studio 8 - MR
Theme: The Cultural Work of Children's Bibles, pt. 2
Reidar Aasgaard, University of Oslo, PresidingJeremy Punt, University of StellenboschThe Other in South African children's Bibles. Politics and (Biblical) Systems of Othering (25 min)
Julie Faith Parker, Yale UniversityCharacters of Color: Players or Props? (25 min)
Laurel Koepf, Union Theological SeminaryInside Out: The Othered Child in the Bible for Children (25 min)
Edesio Sanchez, United Bible SocietiesChildren, Theology and Translation in Latin America: La "Traducción en Lenguaje Actual" (25 min)
Victoria Hoffer, Yale University'And You Will Inculcate Them to Your Children:' Bibles and Collections of Bible Stories for Jewish Children (25 min)
Susanne Scholz, Southern Methodist UniversityVeggies, Women, and Other Strangers in Children and Teenager Bible DVDs: Toward the Creation of Feminist Bible Films (25 min)

Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible
Joint Session With: Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible, African-American Biblical Hermeneutics
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Napoleon D1 - SH

Theme: Inclusive Biblical Interpretation: Taking the Other Seriously
Using as its point of departure Cheryl Anderson’s Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies: The Need for Inclusive Biblical Interpretation (Oxford University Press, 2009), this session will explore the implications for theological education and congregational practices of interpreting the Bible inclusively, that is, by incorporating these normally excluded voices.
Angela Bauer-Levesque, Episcopal Divinity School, Presiding
Cheryl B. Anderson, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Panelist (10 min)
Deborah A. Appler, Moravian Theological Seminary, Panelist (10 min)
Herbert R. Marbury, Vanderbilt University, Panelist (10 min)
Nyasha Junior, Howard Divinity School, Panelist (10 min)
Kimberly D. Russaw, Vanderbilt University, Panelist (10 min)
Susanne Scholz, Southern Methodist University, Panelist (10 min)
Nancy R. Bowen, Earlham School of Religion, Panelist (10 min)
Frank M. Yamada, McCormick Theological Seminary, Panelist (10 min)Discussion (70 min)
First United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas
1928 Ross Ave
Dallas, TX 75201
PH (214) 220-2727 Ext. 224

"Gender and Violence in the Hebrew Bible"
Dr. Susanne Scholz
Click here for more information:
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009 and Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009
9 Am to Noon in Crossroads Center
Are the scriptures gender biased?
Where does scripture stand on gender-justice issues?
What does scripture say about sexual violence?
Only in recent decades have preachers and commentators lifted up biblical texts on these pervasive problems in past and present society.
Come learn what contemporary scholarship has to say.
Session 1: Oct. 10th
Adam and Eve in the 21st CenturyWas the first human a male? Did Eve seduce Adam into disobeying God? Did woman bring sin into the world? What does the Bible really say about this?
Session 2: Oct. 31st
God Talk and Sexual ViolenceWhat resources does the Bible offer to deal with this challenging issue? What do the scriptures teach us?