Monday, June 21, 2010

@the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in Tartu, Estonia, from July 25-29, 2010:

August 28, 2010

Session entitled "Whence and Whither? Methodology and the Future of Biblical Studies"
Topic: "Esoteric Readings of Genesis 1-3"
9:30 am
Susanne Scholz, Southern Methodist University
"Beyond Postmodernism? Esoteric Approaches to Gen. 2-3 by E. Swedenborg, R. Steiner, and S.D. Fohr"

"Post-Postmodernity, Radicant Exegesis, and the Transmission of Gender and Other Identities" is the title of my keynote lecture at the three-day conference on "Who Do You Think You Are? Gender & the Transmission of Identity in the Hebrew Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls & Other Related Literature" at King's College London and organized by Dr. Deborah Rooke

August 9-11, 2010
King's College London
London WC2R 2LS